When it comes to building swimming pools, terms like Gunite, Concrete and Shotcrete are often used interchangeably and erroneously. The fact is they are all basically the same product, concrete, with variations in strength, inherent water-tightness, and methods of construction. This article clears these misconceptions and clarifies why shotcrete is considered the best method for swimming pool construction.
Category Archives: Landscaping
Why LEED Building Matters
We are increasingly aware of the significance of environmental design in promoting smart growth through eco-friendly measures. LEED, or Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design, is changing the way our buildings are designed, constructed and maintained by accelerating global adoption of sustainable green building and development practices. For both the commercial & residential construction and building maintenance industries, LEED is a method of regulating just how efficient the building practices are, and the specific impact these measures have on the environment as a whole.
7 Florida-Friendly Landscaping Ideas
Florida has recently suggested new guidelines for landscaping practices which would help to conserve water, reduce runoff from the use of fertilizers, and minimize need to use pesticides. These things are not only good for your property, but also benefit us, as people. Here are several Florida-friendly landscaping ideas that you can incorporate when you do landscaping on your property.

What’s the difference between Gunite and Shotcrete?
Unless you work in the industry, concrete is a mystery. Many types of formulas exist, with highly technical jargon such as “entrained air” or “slump” thrown in the mix. Add to this is the application methods and materials used in the mix. Somehow, you have to make sense of it all to understand the differences between Gunite and Shotcrete.
Florida Friendly Landscaping – Use Mulch
Mulch is a good gardener’s not so secret weapon. And if you want a healthy, beautiful garden that requires less of your time for maintenance, but still maintains it splendor. Using and choosing the right type of mulch is a great place to start, to upkeep a beautiful Florida garden. Not only is it easy to use, but it helps prevent weeds, conserves water and did we mention, it improves the aesthetics of your garden. That’s why it should come as no surprise that we recommend you use mulch when planting and designing your perfect garden.
Starting a springtime garden in Florida.
Plan Your Plot, Plot Your Plan
With spring fast approaching, now is the time to plan your garden for the summer and fall months. Some vegetables to plant right now include beans, cantaloupe, carrots, sweet corn, eggplant, lettuce, okra, peppers, sweet potatoes, squash and tomatoes. As you make your plans for your spring plantings, be sure to take a few minutes to sketch out your garden plan to improve your chances of a successful harvest in the fall.
Giving Your Garden Room to Grow
Vegetables thrive when they are not competing for water and nutrients with other plants: Make sure to keep your vegetable garden away from trees, shrubs and other large plants. Other ways to help your vegetables thrive include placing a barrier between large root plantings, or digging a trench around your designated vegetable garden to keep tree roots away from the roots of your vegetables.
Find the Right Spot
Planting your garden where you can see it is good way to insure success. If you plant your vegetable garden near your home, preferably within view of a window or door, you’ll be able to watch it grow week after week and enjoy view the results of your labor. Make sure to protect your vegetable garden with a fence to keep away wandering pets, rabbits, and other small animals. Be sure your garden is irrigated well and has plenty of sunshine: 6 hours at a minimum. Keep in mind, though, that corn, cucumbers, melons, peppers and tomatoes need lots of sun, but leafy vegetables such as cabbage, collards and broccoli will do better with more shade. Also, make to avoid planting your vegetables over septic drain lines to avoid contamination.
Show Your Work
If you’ve found in the past that your garden is not draining properly, now is the time to consider renewing your garden with organic mulch or a similar product. If you would like to enhance the look of your flowers and vegetables, consider adding artistic touches such as decorative stones to show off your plants and the hard work you put into your garden. Shells make a great ground cover to improve the look of your garden and reduce weeds, and they’re a great way to make your garden unique to your Florida lifestyle.
If you’d like to us to help take your garden to the next level or need other concrete or stucco work, please call us at (800) 910-6928 or contact us online.