
Why Use Beautiful Concrete in Your Office Parking Lot?

Concrete parking lots may not be the most inspiring thing in the world but they do the job of providing accessibility, reliability, long-lasting appeal for your property. Concrete parking lots make good economic sense for building owners, local store owner or property managers. Though most parking lots today are paved with asphalt, but advances in equipment and the rising cost of asphalt have made concrete highly competitive, even on a first cost basis. Besides there are other advantages of concrete, particularly when you take into account the long term life-cycle costs.

It seems a no-brainer to use concrete when considering revamping your commercial property in order to attract more customers. After all parking lots are important assets to buildings, so you need to ensure the right material is being used for its construction.  A concrete parking lot is basically an exterior slab on ground but the design and build is slightly different because it must have a sloped surface for drainage and the ability to handle heavy vehicular loads, and harsh environmental conditions.

Let’s look at the benefits of making your parking lot concrete-centric-

Reduced Energy Costs

Imagine the high cost of lighting a parking lot in order to improve its safety. However, since concrete surfaces are lighter colored, you’ll get three times the reflectivity of asphalt. Installing concrete makes for a safer parking lot and it also reduces energy costs. An estimated 3 out of 10 light fixtures can be eliminated when using light concrete surfaces, without affecting your commercial property’s visibility. Less lighting overall can save money.  No place is safe from crime so it is a blessing when lighter concrete parking lots help in safer storage of cars while reducing energy costs.

Appearance And Overall Strength

If you want to revamp the exterior parking area of your store then all you need is to fall back on concrete. Concrete looks much cleaner than asphalt and a freshly-coated concrete parking lot is definitely more aesthetically pleasing. By adding colors, textures or patterns to your concrete can help you align it to any style you prefer. A symmetrical concrete parking lot looks professional, positive and can lure in new buyers.

Reduced Maintenance Costs

A concrete parking lot wins over asphalt in terms of maintenance costs. Concrete requires much less maintenance because it lasts significantly longer, whereas asphalt needs maintenance annually. Asphalt parking lots need to be coated with liquid asphalt every few years and they have to be resurfaced once every 10 years, all of which disrupts operations in office blocks or commercial buildings. In terms of maintenance, all that concrete parking lots require is an annual concrete cleaning job and the occasional joint sealing here and there. Studies in the USA have proven that in a typical parking lot, concrete required very little maintenance expense over a 20 year period, while maintenance for an asphalt lot amounted to as much as 80% of the initial construction cost.


Concrete is a stronger material than asphalt, which is what makes it ideal for parking lots. Concrete is highly durable and it can withstand heavy traffic use and day-to-day footfall. Asphalt parking lots can easily show signs of cracking and crumbling, which will then require costly maintenance and resurfacing jobs. Concrete is more long-lasting, needing far fewer maintenance jobs in between too.

Environmental Friendliness

Produced from natural resources, concrete can positively impact the environment. Choose to go for a sustainable concrete product, which will allow rainwater to permeate back to the earth in your parking lot. Concrete contractors can design custom projects using concrete installations to ensure that your sidewalk and greenery area are both protected and nurtured whenever it rains. Moreover concrete does not retain heat and is therefore much cooler in the summer compared to asphalt. This prevents the “heat island” effect that can develop between buildings. By lowering the area’s overall heat, you can greatly reduce the “heat factor” of passersby and would-be shoppers.


Concrete works out to be so much more cost-effective than asphalt. The initial cost of asphalt might be less but it isn’t sustainable price-wise over the long term. Concrete surfaces are easily maintained for longer for far less, which will free up a lot of the annual budget to be used in other much-needed improvements.

The business parking lot is a huge asset that needs due thought and planning during implementation. If you own a commercial space, then you need to ensure that the parking area is safe, secure and long-lasting too, as long as it is constructed with the right material. Davis Concrete services the Tampa Bay area and has a rich legacy of good work for over 60 years. Call us at (800) 910-6928 to discuss details and quotes for any concrete projects and installations.


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